Wow. Good discussion.
I am completely on Tim’s side on this one, but I completely understand why Saladdin is reluctant to take gifts. It is very hard for me to accept gifts as well.
I don’t think that accepting a gift from a loving relative is akin to accepting charity (although there is nothing wrong with accepting charity if you need it). As a parent I know that parents are really protective of their kids (news flash), and genuinely want to help them achieve their goals in life. Yes, I would love to help my kids buy a house. If I did it would have nothing to do with charity, it would have everything to do with my feeling like a good, protective, successful dad. It would give me pleasure to help them out.
So, while it’s hard for me to accept monetary gifts, when my parents want to give me a few dollars, I accept. Even though I am in my mid-thirties, probably make more money than my parents, and can make do on my own. They enjoy it, why would I deny them that pleasure?